Asleep at the Wheel – Repeat DWI Offender Arrested in Hillside, NJ
My own summary (paraphrased):
Around 3:29 AM on September 11, 2022, as Officers Da Cruz and Veloso were traveling North on North Broad Street, they observed a Blue 2021 Mitsubishi Outlander parked partially on the street and partially on the sidewalk blocking the driveway of 1480 North Broad Street. As they approached the vehicle, they observed a female in the driver seat. The female, later identified as 32-year-old Vanessa Reyes, was slumped over motionless the steering wheel with her hair over her face. On the passenger side, officers identified another male sleeping in the front passenger seat.
The officers began to knock on the window to attempt to awaken the driver and passenger. When neither passenger awakened, the Officer Da Cruz was able to open the passenger side door while Officer Veloso opened the driver side door. As soon as the door was opened, they detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage, and they observed an open Milagro liter tequila bottle on the front passenger floor board.
Officer Da Cruz turned off the vehicle, and Ms. Reyes was finally awakened when the male in the vehicle started to shake her. When Ms. Reyes awakened, she had a confused look and appeared to be unsure of where she was. She also had red glassy eyes and an odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from her breath. Officers had to confiscate the key fob after Ms. Reyes attempted to turn on the vehicle again.
Shortly afterwards, Ptl Rogriguez, Ptl Thomas, Ptl Walker, Ptl Lewis, and Sgt Wanat then arrived on the scene for back-up. When Ms. Reyes finally exited the vehicle, she had to lean herself against it to maintain her balance. When Ms. Reyes was asked where she was coming from, she stated that she was coming from a birthday party and admitted to drinking alcohol earlier.
Officer Da Cruz advised Ms. Reyes that a field sobriety test was going to be conducted because she was suspected of driving under the influence. The entire time, Ms. Reyes braced herself against her vehicle. Ms. Reyes failed to raise either one of her feet off the ground for the one leg stand test. Ms. Reyes also failed to walk heel-to-toe on the walk and turn test. Given her failure to follow instructions and apparent state of intoxication, Officer Da Cruz placed Ms. Reyes under arrest for suspicion of driving while under the influence (39:4-50). Shortly after, Ms. Reyes’ father arrived on scene to transport Ms. Reyes’ male passenger away from the scene.
Ms. Reyes was transported to Hillside Police HQ without incident. At HQ, she was searched by Ptl Lewis and placed on the prisoner bench. After she was read the N.J. Attorney General’s Standard Statement form as well as her Miranda Rights, she refused to provide a sample of her breath. Ms. Reyes was also checked for any active warrants, which came back negative. Subsequently, Ms. Reyes was released to her father at Police HQ after he signed the Potential Liability Form. She was issued 4 summonses: Operating Under the Influence, Open Container of Alcohol, Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test, Consent to take Samples of Breath.
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Our content is educational and in compliance with YouTube’s Fair Use Policy because we edit several long clips into a concise story. This is similar to other law enforcement channels on YouTube. All videos and case documents were obtained pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act, . 47:1A-1 et seq. (P.L. 2001, c. 404). Defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty.
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