I Am Fear

This video that focuses on the centrality of fear in traumatized people is the first of a series with Sebern Fisher, M.A., author, therapist, and former trauma patient, with Ruth Lanius, Ph.D., MD, psychiatrist and clinical neuroscience researcher on the multiple impacts of neglect and abuse in childhood. This series focuses primarily on the impacts on brain function, how those impacts manifest as symptomatic behavior, and approaches to recovery. The underlying assumption in this conversation is that the problem of trauma resides in the brain and must be addressed there. Sebern has been exploring the use of neurofeedback for over 25 years and Ruth is now the leading neuroscience researcher on trauma, the brain, and neurofeedback. Welcome to the conversation. Join in; it’s user-friendly! To learn more about Sebern’s work, please visit: To learn more about Ruth’s work, please visit:
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