Georgia, Carolina, Florida Battered! Hurricane Idalia Blows Up and Submerges Thousands of Homes

Georgia, Carolina, Florida Battered! Hurricane Idalia Blows Up and Submerges Thousands of Homes In Cedar Key, an island city of just about 700 people, storm surge poured through the streets. The area was under a mandatory evacuation order. In Clearwater, another area that had been under mandatory evacuation, officials said the storm surge was causing strain on the city’s stormwater system. In St. Petersburg, police said they had to rescue a person from flooding at a mobile home park. hurricane idalia big bend storm surge key west flooding fort myers Treasure Island flooding myrtle beach hurricane idalia florida hurricane idalia tampa bay hurricane idalia nort carolina hurricane idalia south carolina hurricane idalia tallahassee hurricane idalia perry hurricane idalia jacksonville hurricane idalia palm beach hurricane idalia georgia hurricane idalia atlanta hurricane idalia miami hurricane idalia mexico hurricane idalia veracruz big be
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