Isaac & Elena | “A bit of a Creeper“ {AU}

i kinda hate it and i kidna dont idk PLEASE READ THE STORY: Isaac Lahey has been obsessed with Elena for years. When they got together he sensed here pulling away, so he faked being ill such that she would stay with him. Once Elena figures it out, she’s slightly creeped out. She starts having nightmares. Then they turn out to be true. Isaac is a vampire and he is a blood thirtsy murderer. She leaves him, because he’s too much fo rher. But Isaac is very hurt so he kidnaps her and tortures her. Elena escapes and has a terrible nervous break down. The only person who can calm her down is Isaac. Are they gonna end up together? Idk, love is a crazy thing sooo ASK ME ABOUT THE STORY OR SOMETHING:
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