Painting Roses in Oils Using Three Colours

When you are starting out with oil painting it can be helpful to work on a small scale with a limited palette. The small scale means you can finish a painting in one sitting (and move on to the next one) and the limited palette will encourage you to think creatively about the colours you need, and create a harmonious painting. In this demonstration you can watch me create a small 8“ square painting using just three colours and titanium white. I hope you find it useful, do ask in the comments below if you have any questions about my process. Materials: WInsor and Newton Artists’ Oils: Winsor Yellow, Magenta, Cobalt Blue Michael Harding: Titanium White Series 1 W&N Sansodor low odour thinners and Daniel Smith Stand Oil (I mixed 2 parts Sansodor to 1 part Stand oil to create a painting medium) W&N tear off palette A range of brushes from the Pro-Arte Sterling, W&N Winton bristle and Rosemary and Co Ivory. Cotton Canvas board Jackson’s own b
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