Encierro - Doomsday Still Bleeds Red (2024)[Melodic Crust Punk]
Encierro is a melodic crust punk/post hardcore/neocrust band from Melbourne, Australia, in the vein of bands such as Autarch, Fall of Efrafa etc. Doomsday Still Bleeds Red is their 2nd recording and their first LP after the demo 2021. Recorded & mixed by Jason Fuller at Goatsound and mastered by Jack Control at Enormous Door, it brings 7 tracks of emotional and melodic crust punk with nice guitar leads, desperate screams and the use of violin makes things even better with its sad melodies.
Brilliant artwork by Fisch3r Instagram @FISCH3R888, Encierro logo by Rayo Instagram @D1S84. Doomsday Still Bleeds Red is currently in digital format, the vinyl will come out in near future.
Supported by: Bad Habits Records (Nambour, QLD, Australia), So Dense Were The Flies (Northern Territory, Australia), Subsistencia Distro (Melbourne, Australia & Bogota, Colombia)
The End & Eden written by Ed Sullivan
Doomsday violin strings by Claire Jarman
01:Jaws of Winter 00:00
02:The End 02:47
03:Eden 17:96
04:Stagnation 07:33
05:Doomsday 09:32
06:Alerta 17:50
07:Foretold Future 20:34
NettleNet - Vocals
DropNed - Guitar
Ed - Guitar/Vocals
Marty - Bass
Javi - Drums
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