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The duo of Sik and Nick are back to talk about all the latest news in gaming.
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Producer: Jesse Norris
Timestamps (more to come when Nick comes back from the Football):
00:00:00 - Going live
00:12:38 - Intros
00:13:57 - Hi everyone! Nick is back!
00:15:30 - Nick takes a moment to thank our community
00:16:52 - The negativity can be exhaus
00:19:00 - What have we been playing? Redfall
00:33:15 - The Last Case of Benedict Fox
00:37:50 - Nick was credited on Benedict Fox! He also needs to watch all the cutscenes
00:38:51 - Back to more Ben Fox and Metroidvania discussion
00:46:30 - Fortnite Star Wars battle pass
00:46:57 - Nick had once heard that Darth Maul might be in Jedi Survivor
00:47:35 - Anyway back to Fortnite
00:51:05 - Breath of the Wild
00:52:16 - Tin Can
00:53:34 - Superchats (one about Pixel Opus closing)
00:57:14 - We start to go on a tangent about the Xbox dead talk
00:58:04 - It’s actually Nick that reigns us back in!
00:58:30 - Make sure to drink some CTRL!
01:00:05 - More superchats
01:07:15 - Planet of Lana is coming to Xbox Game Pass and PC May 23rd and someone from the team will hopefully be on the show soon!
01:08:40 - The Xbox Showcase gets a date and time
01:10:50 - Superchat from Rand
01:12:07 - Double Dragon Gaiden is announced
01:15:50 - Xbox has a new dashboard coming
01:28:10 - Phil Spencer’s interview on the XCast
02:25:16 - Rumourmill: Rumoured Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake to be at the PlayStation showcase and possibly some PS Exclusivity?
02:31:40 - Name A Game!
02:55:31 - Patron Shout
02:57:35 - Community Question #1: DeoGame - What’s your favourite “bad“ game?
03:03:00 - Community Question #2: Hytham G - This is why I want ABK
03:13:42 - Community Question #3: Abe - Would you rather Halo 3 Anniversary or ODST 2?
03:16:16 - Community Question #4: Phalaxis - What are you looking forward to with the Showcase?
03:20:10 - Community Question #5: Poderick Payne - Just happy to be alive
03:20:36 - Community Question #6: Mort - Why is so much of the Xbox Community acting like this?
03:45:42 - Community Question #7: Good Old Collingwood - What’s your review process?
03:53:20 - Community Question #8: Cap Coug - Why didn’t anyone talk about Phil hinting at Sony’s dodgy deals?
04:01:10 - Superchat and wrapping up
04:04:00 - Ciao for now
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XboxEra is a community-driven endeavour that has been created to enable the passionate Xbox community to create and share content, articles, gameplay, and opinions. We want to shine a light on the positives the Xbox platform provides such as inclusivity, availability, and a customer-centric approach.Show more