How to Cook an Origami Turkey! πŸ¦ƒ

[Intermediate] Happy Thanksgiving! How to fold a 3-D origami turkey bird that transforms into a cooked turkey! This transforming model, which I designed recently, is pure origami (no cutting or taping). Both the live turkey and the cooked turkey have special origami locks that keep them closed and the lock for the cooked turkey is so strong that you could even stuff the turkey with origami stuffing and it would still hold together. The cooked turkey might even be able to be flown as a flicker especially if you figure out a way to lock the legs together (by sliding the flaps of one into the pockets of the other), but if you would like a turkey flicker, I already made a tutorial for one last year here: The live turkey is able to stand by adjusting the feet. The turkey tail, as is, sticks up, but you can undo the crimp and experiment with other styles of turkey tails. I almost always use Google Images when I design models, so I have a good idea what the subject looks like in r
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