Israel bombs Gaza apartment blocks +++ Hamas rockets rain on Israel | Israel Conflict Update

The international community is calling for an end to the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas militants. The United Nations Security Council is due to discuss the violence in the coming hours. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says he was “dismayed“ by civilian casualties in Gaza. Meanwhile there’s been yet more bloodshed in the conflict, which is now in its seventh day. Calling out for survivors. Rescuers pull the injured from the rubble, and retrieve the bodies of those who didn’t survive. Several Gaza apartment blocks were bombed in the early hours of Sunday. The human cost is still being says its overnight strikes were targeting a senior Hamas political leader and taking out tunnels and rocket launch sites. The response from Hamas came quickly. Israel says about half of the militants’ rockets have fallen short, or been intercepted by an aerial defense system. But some hit their targets - residential areas such as here in Tel Aviv. One man died when a Hama
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