toco toco ep.7 Kyoka, electronic musician and artist

◆TODAY’S GUEST◆ Kyoka, artist and musician ★今回のゲスト★ Kyoka、電子音楽ミュージシャン ◆PLACES WE WENT TO◆ NTT ICC center, Opera city Tower at Shinjuku ★訪れた場所★ NTT ICCセンター, 初台オペラシティー ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Kyoka is a musician who creates electronic music. She uses bass and high-pitched sounds in order to bring out the basses. She also creates works using light, reflections and colors where she tries to express the same emotions as with music. Every year, the ICC is hosting the OPEN SPACE exhibition. Today we are going to the 20
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