Milo the cartoon for kids, Milo is a cute bunny rabbit. As a 6 year-old child, he has all the positive and negative aspects of his age. He reacts with the surrrounding environment in a positive way, thanks also to his parents who help him to get to know the things and people who attract his natural curiosity. He is a curious rabbit, and is slowly but surely learning about himself and the world around him, a constant source of novelties, surprises, informations and encounters through not necessarily of truth.
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...lo, Louie draw me something, 64 Zoo Lane, Mouk, Hilltop Hospital, Pablo the little red Fox, Ethelbert, Archibald the Koala, Lazy Lucy, Jasper the pengouin and much more to come ...
George and Milo are walking through a forest during a camping trip, in search of a clearing where they can set up their tent for the night. George teaches Milo about knowing one’s way around a forest in the event that one gets lost. It’s all about determining directions, he tells Milo, and the secret lies in a cluster of moss at the foot of a tree. Once they reach the clearing, Milo discovers odd-looking mushrooms. Just as Milo is about to pick them, George warns Milo that some mushrooms are not eatable, and can even be deadly. Night falls. It’s time for Milo and George to take in the night sky and observe the stars. The night is quiet and gentle. In the morning, they take pictures of a family of visiting deer.
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