Lovely Spiritual Sound of Eagle Bone Flute!

Lovely Spiritual Sound of Eagle Bone Flute! The peyote ceremonies of the Native American Church use eagle bone whistles to call the spirits of the ancestors and the grandfathers to attend peyote ceremonies. Many Native Americans believe that music created from the bones of eagles can be heard in the spirit world. The Sun Dance performed by the Ute and Lakota also employ eagle bone whistles, which are played continuously by the dancers during the sacred dance rituals. The eagle bone whistle, a sacred religious musical instrument used by Native Americans, is made from the long wing bones of both the American bald eagle, and the American golden eagle for Native American religious ceremonies. Eagle bone whistles are considered extremely powerful spiritual objects by American Indians. Eagle bone whistles produce a series of high pitched notes which are reminiscent of the cry of an eagle. By varying the airflow and pressure, a wide variety of notes can be produced. These whistles are only used in ceremonies to
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