This collection was created by hours & hours of web surfing and video editing with the sole purpose of synthesizing the most quintessential & marvelous memes. But above all, the credit belongs to its respective owners.
For that reason, you can easily find the information of the videos & original creators in the “CREDITS“ section below so let’s take a little moment to visit them, show them some love, appreciate them before it’s too late 😚😚😚
If there are any omissions, such as you’re OC and would like to remove your content and/or take credit. Please PM and/or send me an email at: gabrielmcfly20@ and the request will be processed within 24 hours. Thank y’all!
► Playlists: Updating...
► Creators: Updating...
► Intro song: Chet Baker - Almost blue (w/ “Rain and Thunder Sound Lighting Strike and Thunder Sound Effect“) -
#familyguy #meme #dankmeme #trendingmeme
1 view
1 month ago 00:03:27 6
Alan Walker - The Spectre
1 month ago 00:28:26 3
Это конец Темной Энергии? / Парадокс черных дыр / Загадка Плутона / Астрообзор #173