Polymer clay/Fimo and embossing powder

Using embossing powder to glaze beads and medallions In the end of the video more suggestions of works made with polymer clay, the alluminiun foil and embossing powder. The hot air gun should be used with caution! The embossing powder, after melting, gets too hot. You must let it cool before you touch the piece Usando pó de embossing, para esmaltar as peças feitas em cerâmica plástica. No final do vídeo mais algumas sugestões de trabalhos realizados com Fimo, folha de alumínio e pó de embossing A pistola de ar quente deve ser usada com precaução! O pó de embossing, depois de derreter, fica muito quente. Deve deixar arrefecer, para poder manusear o trabalho Disclaimer: - Due to the nature of the products, techniques and tools I use in my projects (polymer clay, sharp and electrical tools, resin...) the content of my channel is Not indicated for children under 13 years old. - If you are under 18 years o
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