Motley Crüe Live Wire Guitar Cover

Heres another guitar cover for you all! This time were TRYING to downpick all of live wire by motley crüe but damn this ones a biiiitch! Motley crue isnt that high on my list but when a friend showed it to me it rocked! Drop a comment and a like if you enjoyed it for more, dont forget to sub and ring that bell! Long live heavy fucking metal \m/ Gear used- Saffire pro 40 Bias Amp 2 ESP LTD KH 602 Jackson V Mesa Boogie Mark V Mixed in Pro tools Elixir strings Edited with adobe premiere pro 2019 NUX B2- ESP LTD KH 602- Ibanez TS9DX Tube screamer- Lighting- Lights for color- Iphone X for vide...o
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