Waters of March - Águas de Março - Tom Jobim

Performed by Jobim in HD with stunning sound quality. Waters of March is a Brazilian song composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim. Jobim wrote both the English and Portuguese lyrics. The English version treats March from the perspective of an observer in the northern hemisphere. In this context, the waters are the “waters of spring“ in contrast to the rains referenced in the original Portuguese, marking the end of summer and the beginning of the colder season in the southern hemisphere Waters of March : English Lyrics: “Aquas de Marco“ A stick, a stone, It’s the end of the road, It’s the rest of a stump, It’s a little alone It’s a sliver of glass, It is life, it’s the sun, It is night, it is death, It’s a trap, it’s a gun The oak when it blooms, A fox in the brush, A knot in the wood, The song of a thrush The wood of the wind, A cliff, a fall, A scratch, a lump, It is
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