Israel Army Wipes Out Over 60 Hamas Militants, Captures 26 | Watch How IDF Rescued 250 Hostages

The Israel Army has released a footage of operation Sufa military post. In the video, members of the Flotilla 13 Elite unit can be seen storming the post on October 7 near Gaza fencing unit. The forces managed to rescue 250 hostages, wiped out over 60 Hamas militants and captured 26 of them alive. Meanwhile, Hamas has dared Israel that it has the power to protect Gaza from its land invasion. Watch for more details. #israelarmy #Idf #israelpalestineconflict #gaza #Hamas #flotillaeliteunit #hostages #sufamilitarypost #palestine #israel #war Hindustan Times Videos bring all the News for the Global Indian under one umbrella. We break down news from across the globe from the unique lens of a Rising India. Tune in for Explainers, Opinions, Analysis and a 360 degree view of big events in India and the World which impact your present and future. Follow Hindustan Times Channel on WhatsApp for News Alerts, Top Stories and Editor picks. Join Us Today - Subscribe t
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