Nioh: Remastered - The Complete Technical Analysis - PS5 | PS4 | PRO

Next Generation always means the chance for updated and enhanced games on the platform. Nioh was a later generation release exclusive on PS4. Here I take a 2-pronged look at the updated Nioh Remastered Collection on PS5 and compare the changes from the PS4 and Pro. To keep the video focused I have split into 2 Videos with the Newer Nioh 2 getting a PC release I also cover that and just how that stacks up to the Now(ish) Gen PS5 here:- Will be up in the next 24 hours If you enjoy the content on the channel and site, then please consider sharing it where possible and appropriate and if you can please support my work on Patreon:- Thanks For Watching. Please Like & Subscribe and leave comments below Follow on twitter :- Watch in 4K/60 for the best experience.
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