“It’s definitely not low water anymore..“ | High Water Wellerbrucke / Middle Oetz

After enough people talked about how low the river was getting Mother Nature decided to deliver more than enough flow. The river went from around 180cms to around 270cms overnight, a bit more than you want on the main Wellerbrucke. Though by the morning the level had dropped down to around 230-240cms. Which is more than I have seen in this area but much closer to the realm of what you want for these sections. So I decided to head up for at least a scout, which turned into a rowdy lap of the race course, then followed it up with a joy lap on the middle Oetz, which I hadn’t done in almost 10 years. Another joyous day out here in Austria! FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM: WATCH MY MOST POPULAR VIDEOS: CHECK OUT THE REST OF MY PLAYLISTS: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!!
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