TENSION - Westside Grindviolence Forever [2014]

TENSION Westside Grindviolence Forever [2014] Grindcore, Grindviolence TBA 00:00 Never Relent 01:17 Tense 02:21 Lashing Out 03:43 Exhausted & Angry 04:06 Cowards 05:08 Life 05:46 Scoplamine Victim 06:20 Truckslapped/Peaceful Protest 08:05 Regret 08:18 Falling Apart 08:38 Past Thoughts 09:20 Domestic 10:05 To What Depth 10:40 Vice 11:06 Liberation/Terrorism 11:47 Because We Must 13:40 True Romance 15:00 Hypocrite 15:38 A Distant Mind On Warner Ave. 16:32 Take Your Fall 18:01 Nothing’s Wrong Grindcore/Powerviolence playlist on facebook
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