Israel ’Fighting Defensive Battle Against Jihadists’ | Jonny Gould vs Caller

TalkTV’s Jonny Gould is joined by caller Abdulah from Ilford. Jonny Gould says Israel is fighting a defensive battle against jihadists, Abdulah counters by saying dissecting the West Bank is increasingly happening so that a two state solution is suddenly “not going to happen“. One of the key points of contention is the demand for a ceasefire. While many are calling for an immediate end to the violence, the conditions set by both sides make it difficult to reach a consensus. Israel’s demand for the return of hostages and the laying down of arms by Hamas is met with scepticism. The pair also discuss the role of media and social media in shaping public perception of the conflict. With a fragmented media environment and the spread of misinformation, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction. The need for a nuanced understanding of the situation and a commitment to truth and accountability is more important than ever. Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:
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