Shangbai (), Zhongbai (), Xiabai (): Master Tung Technique by Chuan-Min Wang
Shangbai (T ) Primary Indications:
Eye disorders: Conjunctivitis, keratitis, near-sightedness, eye soreness, eye swelling, eye itchiness, astigmatism, tearing upon exposure to wind, weakness or tired eyes from overuse
Zhongbai (T ) Primary Indications:
Pain: Acute back sprain, bone spurs, sciatica, back pain, knee pain, upper back soreness and pain, swollen bones, vertebral pain, spondylitis, degenerative arthritis, leg pain, headache, arm pain, calf pain, ankle pain (any part of the ankle, especially lateral) and heel pain due to Kidney deficiency
Kidney disease or Kidney deficiency causing back pain and soreness
***TIP: This point is most effective for any pain related to the Western and Chinese Kidney, as well as pain from any bone-related disorder.
Xiabai (T ) Primary Indications:
Pain: low back pain, shaoyang channel sciatica, bone spurs, chest pain, rib pain, leg pain, knee pain, lateral ankle sprain, degenerative arthritis, toothache, tinnitus, migraines.
For online courses by Dr. Chuan-Min Wang and other Master Tung speakers, visit
For Dr. Wang’s book, visit
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DISCLAIMER: Please be advised the needling site on the model has been properly prepared by swabbing with isopropyl alcohol and the demonstrator’s hands have been cleansed with warm water and soap. This is a demo to show how Master Tung needled in his clinic. When using these points yourself, please follow the proper clean needle procedure guidelines in your state or country.
The educational material presented here is intended for general educational information only for licensed acupuncture practitioners. Neither the instructor nor eLotus can be held liable for the material, opinions, advice, or any inadvertent errors or omissions in the preparation or presentation of the material. Further, nothing in the material should be interpreted as a claim regarding any procedure, protocol, therapy, test, or product.
This video is not intended to provide customized medical or legal advice, and the material presented is not necessarily considered mainstream health care. It is left to the discretion and judgment and is the sole responsibility of each licensed acupuncture practitioner to determine what is significant for his/her own practice. It is also the sole responsibility of the licensed acupuncture practitioner to comply with local, state, and federal laws regarding the use of the material presented as it relates to the scope and type of the viewer’s practice.
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