Clone Wars Adventures - Battle of Umbara - The Complete Guide PART 2

Part 2! Sorry for the wait, my computer was acting up, but after long last it’s up! Thanks for the views and support for Part one everyone. Part III - Mission/Instances Airfield Mission - 00:24 Bunker Missions - 3:19 Sith Academy - 5:03 Part IV - Boss Guide General Farr-ness - 7:11 General Ennodius - 8:18 Commander Krussk - 8:51 Captain Dheeb - 9:41 Training Droids - 11:10 Varad Zagg - 12:24 Darth Maul and Savage Oppress - 14:21 Ice Rancor - 16:51 CIS Dropship
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