Product certification Russia . Сертификация продукции 产品认证 Product certification

Product certification Russia. Сертификация продукции 产品认证 Product certification — это свидетельство о соответствии изделий нормам качества, установленным стандартами производства Product #certification #Russia ! Goods that are not subject to mandatory certification are issued with an official letter of exemption. List of goods not subject to mandatory certification Сертификация продукции 产品认证 Product certification Many #goods are not subject to mandatory certification in the Russian Federation, but the same categories may be subject to #mandatory declaration and state #registration. Mandatory certification - confirmation of the safety of the goods for the buyer. The certificate indicates that this product meets all requirements and technical regulations, is of high quality. If an entrepreneur produces a certain group of products without a permit confirming the compliance of products with technical regulations or other legal acts, he may be punished: the first time - a fine, the second - the withdrawal of products. We will #help #you to issue a certificate of conformity! If the products are not subject to mandatory certification, we will issue an official letter of exemption - please #contact us. Смотрим видео для развития бизнеса Услуги для международного бизнеса 7499 7695425
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