Metro Radio | Central & Eastern Europe 80’s New Wave & Synth Music Compilation

descriere: This is some of the music composed in the central & eastern european countries like Russia, Yougoslavia & Romania! These bands except for the ones in Yougoslavia, have one thing in common, being spied on by the system constantly to see if they said anything dangerous or had secret anti-party sentiments. In reality they just wanted to make music for the people who were depressed because of the tight grip of the system and needed some hope! Yougoslavia was free from the soviet boot but they had their own economic and political crisis going on! I think we, people who live in central eastern Europe have a lot of things in common even if we don’t know that and that is why I bring the bands together in the Metro Radio! I am from Romania, I discovered Viktor Tsoi while playing Metro Exodus in the “radio“ and even though I didn’t understand the language I could resonate with the vibe and it was the perfect music to listen to in a broken world! so I wonde
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