First aerial observation of Sato’s beaked whales (Berardius minimus)

【Summary】 On May 8, 2023, we found three groups of whales that appeared to be Sato’s beaked whales around the Abashiri Submarine Canyon, Hokkaido, Japan, and successfully captured aerial videos using UAVs. In this paper, representing the first of its kind, we describe the external morphology of these whales in images captured by UAVs. 【Citation】 Kobayashi, H., Ikuta, S., & Kobayashi, M. (2023). First aerial observation of Sato’s beaked whales (Berardius minimus) above the Abashiri Submarine Canyon, Hokkaido, Japan. Marine Mammal Science, 1–8 (Early view). Tokyo University of Agriculture URL: Established: since 1891
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