Hanging Circles | Poi Dancing by Vojta

What is so special about dancing with poi? Why does one dedicate his life to these balls on strings? mmm.... it’s a way to express yourself, your feelings, your current mood, the story of your life? Yes, indeed. And much more. Every time I pick up poi, it is a different story. In this particular story, I’m also expressing through music, which I have composed for this. Playing a handpan and producing music is in a way similar to spinning poi. I’m inspired by feelings, shapes and any ideas flying around at the time. I felt a unique connection with the music while dancing, since every sound in the song comes from the same chamber of ideas as the circles.. If you want to learn my way of spinning poi, there are plenty of tutorials up on my Patreon channel! Plus you can even have a live one-to-one class with me :) I originally shot this for FLAME Festival and Festa del Fuoco di Stromboli online streams (I cheated, yes, used it for both.. don’t tell on m
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