Befriending your Death: 1-hour Breathwork Music (Holotropic / Connective / Rebirthing)

This playlist aims to help you face the concept and the experience of your finite existence - the fact that there will come a moment when your current form will completely cease to be - and to embrace the teachings that this experience holds for your life right now. This taps into the powerful spiritual practice of ’rehearsing your death’, which appears in slightly different guises across a wide range of cultures. The playlist was inspired by a conversation with chef, soul advocate and part of the Into the Deep community Trevor Bird. Thanks Trevor! Especially for sessions that may bring up intense emotions, please note: While breathwork is generally safe to practice on your own, I personally would only recommend doing so after you have done a few sessions with a good guide. If you do sessions on your own, first make sure that you feel secure in your breathing technique, and comfortable integrating all the – possibly intense or painful - emotions and insights that may come up througho
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