MTHDS - Positive Movement

Filmed, directed and produced by: Ryan Gaddis, Tyler Kellog, Laura Hemler and Joe Deats CAM Records/UCD. “On October 23 2010 the city of Denver was overrun by a massive mob of blood thirsty zombies. With the help of the national guard and a team of scientists specializing in paranormal activity, the undead army was contained and transported to a maximum security facility high in the rocky mountain range. There has been no explanation by local or federal authorities as to the origin of this zombie outbreak or if future attacks can be prevented. The 6 alleged leaders of the zombie militia, a Colorado group known as MTHDS, or the methods, remain at large and have been rumored to infect unsuspecting humans with a unique and hypnotic style of music thought to be the cause of the undead symptoms. If you have any knowledge regarding the Whereabouts of MTHDS please contact your local law enforcement agency immediately.“ check out FREE album download at contact video
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