Set Me On Fire - Pendulum Expert DJ Hero 2 DLC

DAT BASS listen to this with headphones, it’s the beezkneez yo I like the mocaps too DJ HERO DLC OVER!? I THINK NOT Haha but yeah this was a NICE surprise to see this morning. I was not expecting a pack and I was almost getting ready for bed when I noticed Kingsy tweeted about it and I was like lolwat And even if I had a quick check, it didn’t show up on the recently added stuff so I actually had to find it and I’m glad I did, this pack is amazing. The only one I replayed was Salt in the Wounds and the other two were sightreads. Since it was still super late but early enough to where people in my house would start waking up, I had to have the volume low, so the vocal scores kind of sucked. But whatever I guess. Anywayy I liked it a lot. There isn’t really a weak song in the pack, and Set Me On Fire is pretty damn tough but easily one of the best, most challenging songs available for DLC. Of course y
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