Alessandro Crimi - Ophelia

INFO & DOWNLOAD: Dreiton - 50​.​1 (DN50​.​1) by Dreiton 01. youANDme - Devise (Ambient Mix) 09:16 :::::::::: 02. Alessandro Crimi - Ophelia 06:56 :::::::::: 03. Lars Leonhard - Cactus 07:03 04. Idealist - Low and High 08:47 05. Simon Spe - Pruning 06:58 06. Nvelope, Madlyne - Good to Me 06:38 07. Tom Cabrinha - Peace of Mind 07:10 08. Ikosaeder - Patience 07:02 Dreiton 50. Various Artists – Part1 Fourteen years after the release of the first EP on dreiton, we are looking forward to the 50th release with a compilation consisting of two first Part of great artists like youANDme, Alessandro Crimi, Tom Cabrinha, Lars Leonhard, Nvelope&Madlyne, Simon Spe, Ikosaeder, and the Idealist should not only reflect our musical background up to now,but also show our curiosity to rediscover electronic music and beyond that not to commit ourselves to one style of music. Varieties from Dub Techno and Deephouse to Detroit Techno create a diversified compilation with soundscapes and kicks in peaceful coexistence. I
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