’Comin thro The Rye (Jenni)’ - Zlata Razdolina Composer - Lyrics Robert Burns

Zlata Razdolina Composer, author and performer - ’Comin thro The Rye (Jenni)’ - Lyrics Robert Burns Злата Раздолина Композитор, автор - исполнитель -Дженни - ст. Роберта Бернса (пер. С. Маршака) English original: O, Jenny’s a’ weet, poor body, Jenny’s seldom dry: She draigl’t a’ her petticoatie, Comin thro’ the rye! Comin thro’ the rye, poor body, Comin thro’ the rye, She draigl’t a’ her petticoatie, Comin thro’ the rye! Gin a body meet a body Comin thro’ the rye, Gin a body kiss a bo
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