Earth’s pole shift is approaching! The secret of the “fulcrum” mechanism.

The earth’s magnetic field embodies the most important protective shield of our earthly homeland. That invisible construct that surrounds and pervades our blue home planet, shields us from the charged particles of the solar wind, which would otherwise fall upon us unchecked. In principle, it can therefore be stated: If the earth’s magnetic field did not exist, earthly life could never have unfolded in its known form. But what would happen if the earth’s magnetic shield changed drastically? In fact, we know that such pole shifts have happened several times in the past. But how would a renewed pole reversal of the earth’s magnetic field affect all our lives? And more: Has such a process already begun? Together with you we are looking for answers today! Download the book for near information for free: You-Tube Magic of numbers: @UCB1p_t-RWeS1M9PRhItnE2g You-Tube United Word: @UCxcFNMEBK6E7jXy9zbazuFg You-Tube Aslan Uarziaty: https:
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