U.S. - Iran Relations Under Biden: A Return to the Iran Deal or Continuation of Enmity?

Trita Parsi, an award-winning author and the recipient of the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, joins he Stevenson Center for is presentation, “U.S. - Iran Relations under Biden: A Return to the Iran Deal or Continuation of Enmity?“ Trita previous book, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Iran, Israel and the United States , was the silver medal winner of the Arthur Ross Book Award from the Council on Foreign Relations while his second book, A Single Roll of the Dice - Obama’s Diplomacy with Iran was selected by Foreign Affairs journal as the Best Book of 2012 on the Middle East Trita Parsi was born in Iran but moved with his family at the age of four to Sweden in order to escape political repression in Iran. His father was an outspoken academic who was jailed by the Shah and then by the Ayatollah. He moved to the United States as an adult and studied foreign policy and received his PhD at Johns Hopkins’ School for Advanced International Studies where he studied
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