Соч.110. Квартет №8 до минор. Исп.: Шотландский камерный оркестр

SHOSTAKOVICH - String Quartet No 8 Please note this performance will be available to view until 4 February only. Marcus Barcham Stevens, Violin Kana Kawashima, Violin Felix Tanner, Viola Su-a Lee, Cello This concert is part of the Digital Season 22/23 and can be enjoyed for free online for 30 days from 5 January, 7:30pm. For programme notes please visit: Recorded live at Leith Theatre Film by Matosilva Mauro Silva, Concept and Direction Beth Chalmers, Producer Beth Chalmers, Scot MacMillan, Lewis Raeburn, Conor Reilly & Mauro Silva, Camera Work Mauro Silva, Editor Calum Malcolm and Cameron Malcolm, Sound
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