더 새로운 내일이 기다리고 있어🎵 | DRIPPIN(드리핀) ’Young Blood’ 응원법 |210316|

If you like this Video, Plz click “LIKE“ and “SUBSCRIBE“. 더 새로운 내일이 기다리고 있어🎵 | DRIPPIN(드리핀) ’Young Blood’ 응원법 Title : Young Blood 6PM RELEASE [ DRIPPIN Official ] YouTube(유튜브) : ​​​​​ V Live(네이버 V) : ​​​​​ Twitter(트위터) : ​​​​​ Instagram(인스타그램) : ​ Weibo(웨이보) : ​​​​​ WOOLLIM Entertainment Official Website: ​​​​​ Copyrightⓒ2020 WOOLLIM Entertainment all rights reserved. #DRIPPIN​​​​​ #드리핀​​​​​ #A_Better_Tomorrow​​​​ #YoungBlood​​​​ #차준호​​​​​ #CHAJUNHO​​​​​ #황윤성​​​​​ #HWANGYUNSEONG​​​​​ #김동윤​​​​​ #KIMDONGYUN​​​​​ #이협​​​​​ #LEEHYEOP​​​​​ #주창욱​​​​​ #JOOCHANGUK​​​​​ #알렉스​​​​​ #ALEX​​​​​ #김민서​​​​​ #KIMMINSEO​
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