How to make the Industrial vocal track with Hypnoskull

If you want to learn Bitwig with us, we start the Bitwig/TouchDesigner Course next week. Learn more: Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to meet Patrick Stevens, also known as Hypnoskull, at my studio in Berlin. Hypnoskull is a highly respected artist who has been making a significant impact in the art and uderground industrial music scene since the early 90s. His artistic activities span a wide range of mediums, including poetry, advocating for artistic freedom of expression, conveying powerful political messages, and delivering impressive hardware-based live performances. During his visit, we decided to introduce him to Bitwig. Our approach was straightforward yet effective - Hypnoskull would ask questions, and I would eagerly demonstrate how to bring his creative ideas to life using Bitwig. The entire process was recorded on video, and I am thrilled to announce that this lesson is now available for everyone. Detailed Program 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:41 Open the project 00:04:40 Setting Up the Drum Machine 00:06:40 E-Kick 00:07:49 E-Snare 00:11:21 Drawing MIDI Notes 00:13:57 Instrument Layer for the KickDrum 00:17:04 Inroducing Modulations 00:23:19 Step Modulator 00:25:48 Multiband FX 2 for the Kick processing 00:26:54 Equalizer 00:28:28 Adding Distorion 00:29:19 Using the Random Modulator to make the Distorion Filter alive 00:30:42 Using ADSR for Mix the Level of Distortion in time 00:31:51 Filter Effect 00:32:49 Inroducing the Remote Controls 00:37:54 Adding the Convolution Reverb for the FX Channel 00:38:57 E-Hats Device 00:40:39 Working with MIDI Notes: Velocity 00:41:43 Working with MIDI Notes: Velocity Spread 00:42:08 Note Expressions Modulator 00:45:35 Creating the new Audio Track for the Hi-Hat Recording 00:45:59 Record the Audio Sample 00:46:31 Fold to Takes 00:48:04 Selecting final Audio from Takes - Comping 00:50:37 Slice to Drum Machine 00:51:11 Slice to Multi Sample 00:54:38 Working with Multi Sample 00:56:07 NoteFx: Randomize Pich for Saьple Selection 00:59:38 Sound Card Settings 01:02:05 Recording events to the Arrangement 01:05:37 Spectral suite - Freq Split 01:07:31 Spectral suite - Volume Split 01:09:12 Add the Distorion to the Loud Chain 01:10:43 Add the Amp to the Mid Chain 01:12:46 Add the Vocoder to the Quiet Chain 01:15:10 Recording the Voice 01:20:57 Clip Automation 01:23:18 Track Automation in the arranger 01:28:15 Building the Dynamic Equalizer
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