It’s been a while since I’ve touched mmd but for you, Zhongli, I did it. Now please come home during December pspspsps-
edit: me realizing how bad this is- oh well. he never came home :(
edit 2: please, ignore the horrible ratio lolol
model: mihoyo, MariFoxChan
motion: yurie
stage: 狐狸杰克
camera: ゆきねこ
effects: ray, ikBokeh, WorkingFloorAL, diffusion, beamman
cover: 極楽浄土 歌ってみた 【志麻×センラ】
Gokurakujodo [Tried to Sing] [Shima x Senra]
1 view
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ЧТО МОЖНО ВЫБИТЬ ЗА 90 КРУТОК??!! ОТКРЫТИЕ МОЛИТВ Мавуики и Ситлали | Genshin Impact 5.3
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