As far as I’m aware this is the first real playable fps which uses kinect gestures.
My objective with call of duty was to get a playable experience - difficult considering the precise movements needed and the fact COD was never designed to be played like this! At the moment FAAST just activates simple button presses, whilst you could use this for movement and looking about please see my other videos for why this isn’t so hot for fast, precise movement.
For these reasons normal walking is done with a chuck and a Wii remote was used to get the precision aiming - though I stuggled to find an
...IR script that works nicely (this is using the gyro’s in the wii instead). If anyone has a good working IR FPS script for GlovePie please send me through a link!
Bonuses of using kinect on an FPS is the ability to lean, duck, pick up, reload and stab realistically, cool huh? You can play this sat down as well ;)
This is only a basic start to true gaming with kinect, who knowsShow more