Seeds, by Leonardo Gorosito and Rafael Alberto

Performed by arx duo Garrett Arney & Mari Yoshinaga ABOUT THE PERFORMERS: ABOUT THE PIECE: In this piece, all sounds are produced by the same principle: shaking. It seems to be a very limited object of composition indeed. However, DESVIO came across the caxixi, an instrument which exceeded the imagined possibilities of sounds produced by a shaker. To a certain extent, the caxixi made Seeds possible due to its construction, specifically the piece of gourd attached to the bottom, which increased exponentially the capacity of generating elaborate musical ideas and gestures. Functioning as sorts of embellishments, other shakers were add in order to enrich the palette of timbers. Mostly, only traditional notation is used although, during the process of composition, DESVIO realized how important the movement direction was. So, in terms of notation, the regular note-heads were switched by arrows, indicating if the shakers are to be played on a
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