Clothing, Bedsheets, Shoes, Colors, and the health impacts of non natural materials

Today we talk about how materials such as clothing, bedsheets, shoes, and colors can impact our health. Whether it be positive or negative. It is important to bring awareness to this topic. Always opt for natural materials and opt out of materials derived from Dupont plastic. 2:00 Polyester and Gym clothes 3:00 Skin conditions caused by polyester clothes 4:30 Sleeping in linen sheets for repairing 5:30 Linen sheets in the hospital 7:00 Royals and Priests wearing linen 7:55 *Linen and Wool Cancel each other out 11:00 Linen, Cashmere, or Wool 12:45 *The truth on bamboo 16:20 Static and Tangling hair 20:00 *Shoe Department and athletes 22:30 Barefoot grounding 25:00 Gold, Copper, Silver Energetic Materials 28:15 Reflection of Metal color spectrum 29:20 *Clothing color 2.0 30:40 *Colors and Mood 32:00 Colors and Outfits 34:50 *Hats 39:30 Combs and frequencies 40:30 Do you wear any glasses? 42:00 The original toothbrush miswak 43:00 Showering and polyester towels 47:00 US dollar is made from linen 49:00 Sounds of Freedom Movie and The Truth
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