Alter Native Space Music

Как и всегда, соблюдаю акцент на музыку, а не на видео. Альтернативная электронная космическая музыка. Одна из первых новинок этого года. As always, I focus on music rather than video. Alternative electronic space music. One of the first new products of this year. #berlinschool #ambient #chillout #newage #spacestart #alternativemusic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- info: If you have any problem, or question about this upload please write to me in this email 32dmj25@ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [rus]Свои предложения можете присылать на наш электронный адрес 32dmj25@ [eng]You can send your suggestions to our email address 32dmj25@ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tracklist: 1. Part 1 (00:00) 2. Part 2 (06:31) 3. Part
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