Can I Have a Child After Tubal Ligation?

Despite many less invasive and less radical contraceptive methods, many women opt for tubal ligation. Unfortunately, many of them will end up regretting this choice for various reasons : a new union, regret not having a baby, the death of a child, the death of the spouse. A question then arises: Can we have a child after tubal ligation? Definitive contraception? The tubal ligation is a surgical procedure that aims to block the fallopian tubes to prevent the egg down to the uterus and make contact with sperm. Consequently, fertilization is impossible. In medicine, this contraceptive method is said to be definitive, since a tubal reanastomosis (tubal repair) is a complex procedure whose success is not guaranteed. Tubal reanastomosis. “Tubal reanastomosis is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring fertility by restoring the patency of one or both fallopian tubes,“ explains Dr. Pierre Miron, obstetrician-gynecologist, founder of the Fertylis clinic . The procedure has its share of
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