Les Rallizes Dénudés (裸のラリーズ) – Naked Diza Star

1.1 Unknown – お前を知った 00:00 - 16:36 1.2 White Waking – 白い目覚め 16:36 - 22:29 1.3 A Memory is Far – 記憶は遠い 22:29 - 31:27 1.4 Field of Artificial Flower – 造花の原野 31:27 - 36:54 1.5 Strong Out Deeper Than the Night – 夜より深く 36:54 - 50:05 1.6 Flames of Ice – 氷の炎 50:05 - 1:03:07 1.7 Dream – 夢 1:03:07 - 1:10:14 1.8 The Kindness That Kills – 踏みつぶされた優しさに 1:10:14 - 1:19:32 2.1 Diza Star 1:19:32 - 1:28:26 2.2 Night of the Assassins – 夜、暗殺者の夜 1:28:26 - 1:40:00 2.3 Enter the Mirror 1:40:00 - 1:48:14 2.4 The Night Collectors – 夜の収穫者たち 1:48:14 - 1:58:18 2.5 Flames of Ice – 氷の炎 1:58:18 - 2:13:26
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