Acrylic painting “Outing Thunderstorm“. Artist - Viktor Yushkevich. #112 photos 2022.
Good day dear friends! I want to share with you the writing of a new painting called “Outing Thunderstorm.“ The picture is painted with acrylic paints on canvas. Format 50x70 cm.
The title of the painting already opens up hope. Sometimes in our lives there is a “storm time” in which we go through certain difficulties. It seems that this gloomy time does not bring any benefit. But real happiness is known through difficulties or after passing them. Through difficulties, we begin to appreciate each other and the life that God has given us. But not always be a thunderstorm in our lives! In the picture, this gap of the opening blue sky and the sun’s rays breaking through the clouds gives us hope that the end of the “storm time“ has come. The majestic clouds of the outgoing stormy sky, illuminated by the sun and contemplating them, we look forward to the onset of the “new time“ in our lives.
I wish you to be filled with life, and may the time of peace and tranquility
2 months ago 00:12:14 1
Часть 2 Вовка из Тридевятого царства своими руками/Vovka from the Faraway Kingdom with his own hands