Infant Annihilator - Three Bastards [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
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Video shot and edited by Joey Aitchison @ JWA Creations
Beneath the hallowed golden halls, wails of death hum from the walls; the floorboards echo with the stains of rape and weeping infant’s calls. Shadows of the ancient doctrines grip the Kingdom by the thighs - a penitentiary of royal penetration; fetal enslavement; prepubescent prisoners held inside. The ways of The Galèriarch endure. Though centuries passed, generations expired, the ways of Galèriarch endure.
Hollow dwellings now frame the citadel, littered with carcasses and festering rot - withered remnants of a long-ruined realm: the hopeless souls of a forgotten god. Forced to feast on the fat of the damned; shamefully savouring the shafts of their siblings. Defiled peasants matured and psychotic; sadistic and necrotic; gaped and sadomasochistic.
From the depths crawled The First - Scavenger of battlefields, seeking jewel covered carnality. Leader of Grief, hungry for divinity through meat and eating royalty, he was The Second. The Last, emerging from the void, unearthed unholy wisdom through systematic sodomy. Three Bastards united only by their cruelty, malice and absolute revulsion of all life. The Royal Sanctum, their underlying desire, a mere echo of a thought as they engulf the world in fire.
Ere the solemn shadows close, the Warlords gather to pledge their oath. Ere the well-known landscapes fade, the call to battle shall be obeyed.
Slithering, slurping fucks eager for a taste; blood and spit drip down from their face as they draw their gaze to the cunts they’ve slain. Cloaked in the innocent, the Warlords bathe; doused in viremia. Deviant disciples fist-deep in the harlot-horde. Municipal bastards, medieval masturbators, seduced by the scripture of God. Shadows of the ancient doctrines grip the Kingdom by the thighs - a penitentiary of royal penetration; fetal enslavement; prepubescent prisoners held inside. The ways of The Galèriarch endure.
From the degraded and hopeless creatures of the plague arose three cannibalistic Warlords. They will lay the Kingdom to unholy ruin.
5 months ago 00:04:18 1
Conception: A Nameless Fear
5 months ago 00:04:56 1
Infant Annihilator - Three Bastards [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]