[ How Often Do You Do the Laundry? ] Educational Song for Kids | BIG SHOW #4-12 ★BIGBOX

#nurseryrhyme #forkids #kidssong #educationalsong #howoftendoyou #howdoyoudo #englishchant #preschool #preschoolsong [ BIG SHOW ] Book 4 Unit 12 _______________________________________________ [ How Often Do You Do the Laundry? ] Educational Song for Kids | BIG SHOW #4-12 ★BIGBOX Practice-At-Home Video for The BIG SHOW Book - Full Script - Dialog [Script] How often do you… x2 How often do you brush your teeth? How often do you… x2 Always. x2 I always brush my teeth! How often do you… x2 How often do you use chopsticks? How often do you… x2 Usually. x2 I usually use chopsticks! How often do you… x2 How often do you take out the trash? How often do you… x2 Often. x2 I often take out the trash! How often do you… x2 How often do you do the laundry? How often do you… x2 Sometimes. x2 I sometimes do the laundry! How often do you… x2 How often do you make cookies? How often do you… x2 Rarely. x2
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