Cistercian Chant - Vox Nostra - Antiphon & Psalm 113

Antiphon: Pulchra es, et decora (Hl. 6,3) & Psalm 113: In exitu Israel - (Cistercian Antiphonar from Morimondo, c. 1175) from the live-concert: Vespera de Beata Maria Virgine - A Vespers of the Cistercian Order in the 13th century with works by Monastery Maulbronn, Cistercian nuns of the monastery Las Huelgas & Cistercian Antiphonary from Morimondo, performed by the Ensemble Vox Nostra: Winnie Brückner ~ Soprano & Philipp Cieslewicz ~ Countertenor , Christoph Burmester ~ Tenor & Werner Blau ~ Bass, Burkard Wehner ~ Tenor, Musical Director. View, listen, purchase or download here: - Details: - Purchase CD: - Download MP3 (HD):
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