Tourrettes-sur-Loup - A Wonder Medieval Village - Discovering the Most Beautiful Villages in France

14 km from the sea, between Nice and Cannes, Tourrettes sur Loup is a charming medieval village that deserves a detour. Perched on a rocky outcrop in the middle of superb and generous vegetation where aloes and prickly pears grow naturally, Tourrettes sur Loup remains imperturbable with its tall houses placed like ramparts. It is called “City of Violets“ because this pretty and shy little flower has been cultivated there for almost a century. It is still one of the main activities of the village today. A party is organized in his honor in March with flower parades and flower battles. Tourrettes sur Loup can be discovered by strolling gently and quietly through its pretty little streets, its vaulted passageways, its tastefully restored old stone facades, its stairs lined with flowers... In the Grand’Rue, in the heart of the old village, nearly 30 workshops, artists’ galleries and creative craftsmen have come together, finding here a serenity and a quality of
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