Riddick: Slam City [Remastered] - How Riddick actually got his eyes?
Slam City is a short flash comic prequel to Pitch Black. It shows Riddick undergoing the surgery that gives him “eyeshine“ and paying for this with a pack of Kool cigarettes as mentioned in Pitch Black. William J. Johns is seen at the end of the movie and is charged with capturing Riddick and to take him to Hubble Bay Penal Facility.
▶️ Features:
◾️ Upscaled to 1440p.
◾️ Scaled to 16:9.
◾️ Added Riddick Prisoner File
◾️ Added music.
❗️ This video for all Riddick fans. And if you want to support my channel:
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▶️ Plot:
Ursa Luna Penal Facility (aka Slam City) is a Double-Max security prison. Riddick was brought along with four other male inmates from Ursa Luna. On his way to escape he encountered the Shiners and a doctor who is thought to have performed on him the eyeshine surgery. Riddick escaped from there in eleven hours twenty-two minutes.
▶️ About “Eyeshine“:
In the game Escape from Butcher Bay, Riddick receives his eyeshine in a much different fashion. But there is a UV-6 opening cutscene, where it states that the Slam City events are how Riddick chooses to believe it happened.
🕑 Chapters:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:08 - Arrival at Ursa Luna Penal Facility
00:01:47 - Jailbreak
00:03:21 - It’s an animal things
00:04:14 - How Riddick got his eyes
00:05:19 - Escape
00:06:54 - Johns
00:07:44 - Prisoner File
▶️ Creators: Brian Murray, David Twohy.
1 view
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